UPDATE: The Day 24 competition has closed and the winner has been notified. Thank you to everyone who took part. The Mpreg Advent Calendar is now complete.
Welcome to My Author Advent Calendar.
Each day, a window will open and reveal one of the following:
* a puzzle
* a cover reveal
* an extract from a previously published book
* a question relating to one of my books
* a treasure hunt i.e. finding a symbol on my website
* a sneak peek at a new cover
* a snippet from a new book
1) You must click on a window to open it and only one window opens each day until December 24.
2) You do not have to have read my books to answer the questions. Looking at the cover, reading the blurb or checking out my website will provide the necessary clues.
3) If additional information is needed to solve or answer a question on any particular day, I will make a post below the calendar.
4) For the puzzles, questions and treasure hunts, the winner will get a free book. I will assign a number to each response and use a random number generator to choose a winner.
5) On the days when there are competitions, I will add a post under the calendar when that day’s winner has been chosen.
6) If you would like to a chance to win a free book and you know the answer, please email me at:
7) Please don’t post responses on Facebook or comment on the website as I have to approve comments on the site, and it’s easier if all answers are in the one place.
8) When you see this symbol, you have to ‘kick’ the door, and you’ll be taken to a link where you can read an extract from one of my books.
Good Luck!
Something exciting is coming your way in December.
Can you guess what it is?