Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg

Here’s The Alpha’s Vow cover.

This week’s snippet is from the beginning of Chapter 2. And just a reminder, I haven’t edited it or done a final read-through.


This place is amazing. Max stared at the lake through an open window. If my father could see me now. The thought made the omega poke his head outside. I hope he hasn’t got someone spying on me. But apart from animal noises and the lazy splashes of water hitting the shore, there was nothing out of the ordinary.


Here’s something I wrote a while ago when I was asked the following question.

Q: Are you a plotter or fly by the seat of your pants kind of writer?

A: Definitely a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants writer. It’s interesting because in everything else I do, I’m so organized. But I can’t plan out a story. I just end up staring at the screen.

For example, when I started The Omega’s Triumph, I knew two things: 1) they would arrive in The Old Country; and 2) they would leave. That’s the beginning and end of the book. I had no clue as to what would happen in between.

As I write, I have ‘Ah-ha’ moments e.g. “Oh, my God, I can do that!”.

When I wrote the second last scene in ‘Triumph’ with Jake in the woods, the rest of the book was done. I’d done a grammar check and read through the completed chapters using text-to-speech (which I loathe).

I’d been avoiding that scene as I had no clue how he was getting from A to B. I started writing, then had to run an errand and while I was gone, I kept thinking, “That doesn’t work.” But when I got back and read what I’d done, it was fine. I added a few sentences and it was finished.

I’ve love to follow an outline as my way of writing can be stressful when I have to get myself out of a plot hole, but I’ve accepted it’s not going to happen.

Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg June 30

Hello Everyone

I managed to sort out of tech problems from last week, so hopefully those glitches are a thing of the past.

Here’s another snippet from my latest book which is virtually finished. I’m just adding the finishing touches.

This teaser follows on from the one last week.


He’d been at The White Wolf, the bar near the lake, drinking with friends. But the rest of the night was a blurred carousel of memories, though he recalled a fist colliding with his jaw. He rubbed his fingers through his bristly beard and winced as a dank musky odor filled his nostrils. That hurts.


And here’s another peek at the cover.

I mentioned my freebie shorts last week, but if you’re interested in reading about Lord Cuthbert Trenton’s brother, the Duke of Longmead, the Longmead Woods Trilogy is on a 99c kindle countdown until end of day, July 5.

The trilogy will be 99p in the UK store from July 2 until July 5.

Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg

Hi Everyone

We’re hoping the #ohmympreg bloghop will become a weekly event.

The other participating authors are listed at the bottom of this post (you should be able to see their pretty icons***), so when you’ve read what I have to say, pop on over to their websites and enjoy the excerpts from their books and behind-the-scene tidbits from the intriguing world of mpreg writing.

Here’s a snippet from my next novella, The Alpha’s Vow, which is the first story in the new series the Idriador Chronicles. The book centers around Sebastian (Seb) and Max and a very special little girl by the name of Trixie.


My head!
Sebastian groaned and rubbed a palm over his pounding forehead. His shoulders ached and when he wriggled trying to get more comfortable, his back pressed against something hard. I’m never drinking again.
Images of the previous night flickered in and out of his thoughts like an old black and white movie reel.


And here’s a sneak peek at the new cover.

And yes, I’m a meanie as I haven’t shown Trixie. But trust me, she’s very smart! And a real cutie!


Before you go, here are my freebie shorts featuring Lord Cuthbert ‘Cuddy’ Trenton: The Omega’s Gamble, The Omega’s Wager and The Omega’s Pledge.

That was fun. Hope to see you back here again.

*** Due to my less-than-stellar tech skills, I’ve messed up the pretty icons. This is what they should look like.***

Instead, click on these links to reach the other fabulous mpreg authors.

Kiki Burrelli

Jena Wade

Quinn Michaels

Alice Shaw